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API Endpoint


The Codego sandbox API provides programmatic access to core banking solutions data like provide an authorization, KYC, IBAN Accounts,Debitcards etc.

To use this API, you need an username,password for Basic auth. The authorization header will be automatically generated when you send the request. Basic authentication involves sending a verified username and password with your request. In the request Authorization tab, select Basic Auth from the Type dropdown list. Enter your API username and password in the Username and Password fields. For extra security, store these in variables. In the request Headers, the Authorization header passes the API a Base64 encoded string representing your username and password values, appended to the text Basic as follows:.

Please contact us at to get your own API keys.

To use this API, you need an Client Key,Secret key,Api Key and Whitelabel id. Please contact us at to get your own API keys.

API Limit : 200 requests per 10 second.


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'

This api is used to get the web configuration settings .e.g. site name , logos , fav icons etc :

Response :



Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id"}'

This api is used to get the POS plan details :

Response :

{"status":1,"plan":{"plan_name":"Paid Plan","monthly_fee":"5.00","card_trx_fee":"1.49"}}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Country List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This will return list of all the available countries.This will be used in further API's:

Response :


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Phone Codes

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This will return list of all countries phone codes.This will be used in further API's:

Response :


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Industries List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This api will return list of industries.This will be used in further API's:

Response :
	"Building and territory maintenance":"Building and territory maintenance"


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Company Size List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This api will return list of company sizes.This will be used in further API's:

Response :


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Company Director Roles List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This api will return list of company director roles.This will be used in further API's:

Response :
{"status":1,"role":{"director":"Board Member(Director)","owner":"Shareholder(Owner)","owner and director":"Board Member and Shareholder"}}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Source of fund list

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id"}'


This api will return list of company director roles.This will be used in further API's:

Response :
{"status":1,"data":["salary","self employement","Asset \/ Investing \/Trading \/ Dividends"]}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id

Business Plans

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"Your whitelabel id"}'


This will return the business plans and countries according to the business plans .e.g. High Plans, Medium Plans and Low Plans :

Response :

PLan Low


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id


Plan can be changed based on country risk. If country risk_level is 1 then show High Risk plan, risk_level is 2 then show Medium Risk plan, risk_level is 3 then show low risk plan.

Verify Google Recaptcha

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","g_recaptcha_response":""}


This api is used to verify the google recaptcha :

Response :

{"status":1,"message":"Succesfully verified"}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
g_recaptcha_response String value received after verifying the google recaptcha.

Open Business Account

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data-raw '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","company_name":"your company name","email":"your email"}'


This api is used for opening the business account. Entering a valid email will send an OTP to your email and you can verify the email:

Response :

{"status":1,"is_live":0,"company_name":"Company name","unique_id":"unique id","whitelabel_id":"whitelabel_id","device_model":"iPhone","device_type":"Apple Phone","user_id":"user id"}
{"status":0,"message":"Email already exists."}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
email String your email
company_name String Your company name

Verify Email For Signup

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{
    "whitelabel_id": "your whitelabel_id",
    "unique_id": "unique id from the response of open account",
    "email_otp": "otp sent to your email "


This api is used to verify the email for opening the business account. On verifying a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email with email and password :

Response :
{"status":1,"is_live":0,"company_name":"Company name","email":"your email","message":"Email address has been successfully verified","password":"your password","user_id":"user_id","web_token":"web_token"}



Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
unique_id String unique_id from the open account api response
email_otp String OTP sent to your email


Only two attempt allow to verify email account.


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data-raw '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","email":"your registered email","password":"your password"}'

You can authenticate through this api by entering the valid credentials . :

Response :

{"status":1,"is_live":0,"company_name":" Company name","unique_id":"unique id","whitelabel_id":"white label id","device_model":"iPhone","device_type":"Apple Phone","user_id":"user id"}
{"status":0,"message":"Wrong email or password."}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
email String your registered email
password String Your password


if the login verification is successful, you will get the is_live property in the response. is_live:0 means that you company is not verified and you have to complete the verification . If is_live:1 then it means that your company is verified and you can take the user to dashboard

Verify OTP For Login

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","user_id":"user_id from the login response","otp":"otp sent to your email"}'


This api is used to verify the user login with OTP. :

Response :

{company_name:"Company 21", is_live: 0, status:1, user_id:"user id", web_token: "web token", whitelabel_id:"whitelabel id"}
{"status":0,"message":"You have entered wrong otp code"}


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id from the login response
otp String otp sent to your email


if the login verification is successful, you will get the is_live property in the response. is_live:0 means that you company is not verified and you have to complete the verification . If is_live:1 then it means that your company is verified and you can take the user to dashboard

Update Company Details

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","user_id":"your user_id from auth response","web_token":"your web token from auth response","date_of_incorporation":"2023-02-21","registration_number":"20230221","vat_number":"2023","industry":"Software","website":"","no_employees":"1","purpose_of_account":"software companys","registration_country":"1597525","registration_address1":"mohali","registration_city":"mohali","registration_region":"punjab","registration_zip":"140130","actual_country":"102","actual_address1":"mohali","actual_city":"mohali","actual_region":"punjab","actual_zip":"140130","company_country":"102","company_type":"1","phonecode":"91","phone":"9914130309"}'


This api will return list of industries.This will be used in further API's:

Response :


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
user_id String user_id from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
date_of_incorporation String Date of Incorporation
registration_number String Registration number of the company
vat_number String VAT number of the company
industry String company industry , value of the industry from industries list
website String website of the company
no_employees String Total number of employees in company
purpose_of_account String Breif purpose of company account
registration_country String company registration country, id of the country from the countries list response
registration_address1 String Registration address of the company
registration_city String Registration city of the company
registration_zip String zip of the area where company is registered
actual_country String actual company country, id of the country from the countries list response
actual_address1 String actual address of the company
actual_city String actual city of the company
actual_region String actual region of the company
registration_region String registered region of the company
actual_zip String Zipcode of the actual area
company_country String company country, id of the country from the countries list response
phonecode String phone code from the phone codes api response
phone String phone number of the company

Upload Company Documents

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel_id "' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from auth response"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from auth response"' \
--form 'business_reg_document=@""' \
--form 'ownership_structure_document=@""' \
--form 'financial_document=@""'

This api is used to upload the company documents for verification :

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"Company documents uploaded successfully"}


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
user_id String user_id from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
business_reg_document File Document for business registration
ownership_structure_document File Document for Ownership
financial_document File Financial Document

Company Documents Status

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id,"user_id":"user_id from the auth response","web_token":"web_token from the auth response"}'

This api will return status of company documents either uploaded for verification or what is the status of verification:

Response :
    "status": 1,
    "company": {
        "id": "35",
        "company_status": "0",
        "director_status": "0",
        "document_status": "1",
        "status": "1"
    "company_document": {
        "business_registration": {
            "status": "0",
            "rejection_reason": null
        "Ownership": {
            "status": "0",
            "rejection_reason": null
        "financial": {
            "status": "0",
            "rejection_reason": null


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id


In the response there is company_document, if the company_document is [] (empty array) or in the company, document_status:0 then no document is uploaded .

if in the company_document, business_registration:status:0 means the business registration document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance, if status:1 then it means the business registration document is verified, and if status:2 the it means business registration document is rejected and you have to upload the business registration document again.

if in the company_document, Ownership:status:0 means the ownership document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance, if status:1 then it means the ownership document is verified, and if status:2 the it means ownership document is rejected and you have to upload the ownership document again.

if in the company_document, financial:status:0 means the financial document is uploaded and is under verification from the compliance, if status:1 then it means the financial document is verified, and if status:2 the it means financial document is rejected and you have to upload the financial document again.

Company Status

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","user_id":"your user_id from the auth response","web_token":"your web token from the auth response"}'


This api will return the status of company profile.This will be used in further API's:

Response :


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id


Company Profile status: company_status : 0 means update company profile details, 1 means awaiting for verification from compliance, 2 means profile information verified, 3 means profile information rejected , need to submit again

Company Document status: document_status : 0 means upload company documents, 1 means awaiting for verification from compliance, 2 means is verified, 3 means rejected document by compliance , need to submit again

director_status 0: means the you need to update the director information and we send kyc link to director email
director_status 2: means the director information is verified
director_status 3: means the direcor information submitted is rejected and you have to update the director information again
director_status 1: if resend:1 means the kyc link is sent to the director email.
director_status 1: if resend:2 means you can request to customer resend the kyc link to director email again

Add Company Director

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Q29kZWdvUGF5Xzg5Om1rZVRWVWNTWTJCWFJZZWZpV1RQdURMaGF6YTFOWWhwUHVvZm1wbjU3VXd6QUJMZGNo' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","dob":"2023-02-21","first_name":"ranjit","last_name":"singh","role":"director","country":"106","address_country":"106","address":"#b004/566","city":"mohali","zipcode":"140301","gender":"m"}'

This api is used to upload the company director details:

Response :
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Company board member detail successfully saved. KYC Link only send in live mode."


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api.
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api.
first_name String First Name of the company directoy.
last_name String Last Name of the company directoy.
role String Role of the share holder .e.g. Board Memeber, Shareholder, Board Member and Shareholder
country String id of the country from the response of countries list api
address_country String id of the country from the response of countries list api
address String Address of the company director
city String City of the company director
zipcode String zipcode of the residence area
gender String Gender of the share holder .e.g. male, female


The kyc link will be sent to the director email

Add Share Holder

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel_id"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from the auth response"' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from the auth response"' \
--form 'first_name=""' \
--form 'last_name=""' \
--form 'role=""' \
--form 'dob=""' \
--form 'nationality=""' \
--form 'address=""' \
--form 'city=""' \
--form 'zipcode=""' \
--form 'address_country=""' \
--form 'gender=""' \
--form 'id_proof=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'address_proof=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'source_of_income=""' \
--form 'proof_of_fund=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'source_of_wealth=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'shareholder_percentage=""' \
--form 'shareholder_id=""'

Use this api for adding the company share holder:

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"share holder added successfully"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
first_name String First Name of the share holder
last_name String Last Name of the share holder
role String Role of the share holder .e.g. Board Memeber, Shareholder, Board Member and Shareholder
dob String Date of Birth of share holder
nationality String id of the country from the response of countries list api
address String Residence address of the share holder
city String Residence City of the share holder
zipcode String Zip code of the residence area
address_country String id of the residence country from the response of countries list api
gender String Gender of the share holder .e.g. male, female
id_proof image document proof of the Identity
address_proof image Document for the adress proof
source_of_income String Source of imcome of share holder .e.g. Salary, Self Employment , Asset / Investing /Trading / Dividends
proof_of_fund image Document for Proof of fund
source_of_wealth image Document for Source of Wealth
shareholder_percentage string Percentage of share holder in number

Share Holder List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","shareholder_id":"optional if you want to search particular record then pass shareholder id"}'


This will return list of all the available share holders.This api can also be used for getting the single share holder by passing the shareholder_id:

Response :
    "status": 1,
    "data": [
            "shareholder_id": "id",
            "first_name": "first name",
            "last_name": "last name",
            "role": "director",
            "dob": "1995-01-29",
            "gender": "male",
            "nationality": "166",
            "address_country": "167",
            "address": "Multan, Punjab, Pakistann",
            "city": "Multann",
            "zipcode": "660001",
            "status": "0",
            "shareholder_percentage": "22.00",
            "source_of_income": "Asset / Investing /Trading / Dividends",
            "is_id_proof": "1",
            "is_address_proof": "1",
            "is_proof_of_fund": "1",
            "is_source_wealth": "1"


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).


"is_id_proof": "1" means that the id proof document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the id proof document is not uploaded, 2 means the the id proof document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the id proof document is rejected from the compliance

"is_address_proof": "1" means that the address proof document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the address proof document is not uploaded, 2 means the the address proof document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the address proof document is rejected from the compliance

"is_proof_of_fund": "1" means that the proof of fund document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the proof of fund document is not uploaded, 2 means the the proof of fund document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the proof of fund document is rejected from the compliance

"is_source_wealth": "1" means that the source of wealth document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the source of wealth document is not uploaded, 2 means the the source of wealth document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the source of wealth document is rejected from the compliance

Update Share Holder

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel_id"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from the auth response"' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from the auth response"' \
--form 'first_name=""' \
--form 'last_name=""' \
--form 'role=""' \
--form 'dob=""' \
--form 'nationality=""' \
--form 'address=""' \
--form 'city=""' \
--form 'zipcode=""' \
--form 'address_country=""' \
--form 'gender=""' \
--form 'id_proof=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'address_proof=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'source_of_income=""' \
--form 'proof_of_fund=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'source_of_wealth=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'shareholder_percentage=""' \
--form 'shareholder_id=""'

Use this api for updating the company share holder , you have to include the shareholder_id from the response to update the shareholder :

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"share holder added successfully"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
first_name String First Name of the share holder
last_name String Last Name of the share holder
role String Role of the share holder .e.g. Board Memeber, Shareholder, Board Member and Shareholder
dob String Date of Birth of share holder
nationality String id of the country from the response of countries list api
address String Residence address of the share holder
city String Residence City of the share holder
zipcode String Zip code of the residence area
address_country String id of the residence country from the response of countries list api
gender String Gender of the share holder .e.g. male, female
id_proof image document proof of the Identity
address_proof image Document for the adress proof
source_of_income String Source of imcome of share holder .e.g. Salary, Self Employment , Asset / Investing /Trading / Dividends
proof_of_fund image Document for Proof of fund
source_of_wealth image Document for Source of Wealth
shareholder_percentage string Percentage of share holder in number
shareholder_id string shareholder id from the response


you can update the share holder information and documents if rejected or if documents are not uploaded

"is_id_proof": "1" means that the id proof document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the id proof document is not uploaded and you have to upload the id proof document, 2 means the the id proof document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the id proof document is rejected from the compliance and you have to upload the id proof document again

"is_address_proof": "1" means that the address proof document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the address proof document is not uploaded and you have to upload the address proof document, 2 means the the address proof document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the address proof document is rejected from the compliance and you have to upload the address proof document again

"is_proof_of_fund": "1" means that the proof of fund document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the proof of fund document is not uploaded and you have to upload the proof of fund document, 2 means the the proof of fund document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the proof of fund document is rejected from the compliance and you have to upload the proof of fund document again

"is_source_wealth": "1" means that the source of wealth document is uploaded and are under verification from the compliance, 0 means the the source of wealth document is not uploaded and you have to upload the source of wealth document, 2 means the the source of wealth document is approved from the compliance and 3 means the source of wealth document is rejected from the compliance and you have to upload the source of wealth document again

Additional Document

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic you client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel_id"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from the auth response"' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from the auth response"' \
--form 'unique_id="unique id of the document in the response additional_documnet of api"' \
--form 'addition_doc=@"file path"' \

In case the compliance require an additional document like driving license , you can upload the document using this api:

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"Document uploaded successfully"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
unique_id String unique id of the document in the response additonal_documents of api
addition_doc File additional document file


You can check the status of additional document if required by the compliance in the response , there will be a additonal_documents:[] , if this array is empty then it means you don't need to upload the additional document. if there is any object , there will be details of the additional document that is required. The details of the documents will be status, description, title and unique_id

status:"0" means you have not uploaded the additional document and you have to upload the additional document

status:"1" means you have uploaded the additional document and are under verification from the compliance

status:"2" means the uploaded additional document is verified.

status:"3" means the uploaded additional document has been rejected and you have to upload the document again.


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api will return the group of information , like beneficiaries, latest transactions, ibans , also you can get these all details related to specific iban py passing the iban_id

Response :
beneficiaries:[{account_type: "sepa",beneficiaries_id:"beneficiary id",bic:"bic",date: "2024-02-05 12:26:43",email: "beneficiary email,
	iban: "iban",image: "image url",name: "name",risklevel: "low"}],
ibans:[{balance: "00.00",bic: "PAYVBE0000",currency: "EUR",iban: "iban",iban_id: "iban id",label: "iban label"}],
userplan:{plan_name:'plan name',no_vc: "0", no_plastic_card: "0", no_vpc: "0"},
{amount:"1.00",	beneficiary_name:"name",created:"2024-02-05 14:42:00",currency:"eur",	description	:"send 1.00 EUR to beneficiary  Company ",fees:"1.00",
	reason_payment:	"reason",status:"Pending",transaction_id:"123456",trx_id,:"trx_id",


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
iban_id String iban id of the iban.

Profile Details

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api is used to get the company profile details

Response :
	"user":{"company_name":"Company Name","email":"email","phone_number":"company phone number","country_of_residence":"id of the country"},
"company":{"id":"00","unique_id":"unique id","company_name":"Company name","date_of_incorporation":"2023-11-23","registration_number":"company registration number","vat_number":"vat number","industry":"company indusrty","website":"company web site","no_employees":"number of employees in company","spending_amount":"0.00","about_company":"purpose of account ","registration_country":"id of country","registration_address1":"company registration address","registration_address2":"","registration_city":"company registration city","registration_region":"company registration region","registration_zip":"company regitration zip code","same_address":"0","actual_country":"country id","actual_address1":"actual address","actual_address2":"","actual_city":"actual city","actual_region":"actual region","actual_zip":"actual zip","created":"0000-00-00 00:00:00","updated":"2023-11-30 14:41:01","profile_status":"1","reject_reason":"","company_type":"0","risk_level":"3","company_country":"0"},
"director":{"id":"0","whitelabel_id":"whitelabel key","company_id":"00","unique_id":"unique id","role":"director role","first_name":"first name of the director","last_name":"last name of the director","dob":"date of birth","country":"id of the country","mobile":"phone number of the director","status":"0","created":"2023-11-29 15:34:51","director_reject_reason":"","address_country":"id of country","address":"address","city":"city","zipcode":"zipcode","kyc_id":"kyc id","gender":"male"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id,"web_token":"web_token from auth response","user_id":"user_id from auth response"}'

This api is used to create the new iban

Response :
	"iban_id": "iban id",
	"label": "iban label",
	"currency": "EUR",
	"balance": "00.00",
	"iban": "BE*************",
	"bic": "PAY*******"



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api.
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api.

Create IBAN

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id",
"web_token":"web_token from the auth response",
"user_id":"user_id from the auth response",

This api is used to create the new iban

Response :
{status:1,message:'IBAN created successfully'}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
label String Label of the IBAN.

Share IBAN

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id",
"web_token":"web_token from the auth response",
"user_id":"user_id from the auth response",

This api is used to share the existing iban

Response :
{status:1,message:'IBAN account has been share successfully.'}


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
ibane_id String iban_id of the IBAN from the ibann list.
email String Email where you want to share the IBAN.

Add Beneficiary

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel id"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from the auth response"' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from the auth response"' \
--form 'type="personal"' \
--form 'account="iban account of beneficiary' \
--form 'first_name="first name of beneficiary"' \
--form 'last_name="last name of beneficiary"' \
--form 'company_name="company name"' \
--form 'email="email of the beneficiary"' \
--form 'beneficiary_image=@"image of beneficiary"'

This api is used to add the beneficiary

Response :



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
type String type of the beneficiary .e.g. personal , business .
account String Iban account of beneficiary.
first_name String First name of beneficiary.
last_name String Last name of beneficiary.
company_name String Company name of beneficiary.
email String Email of beneficiary.
beneficiary_image File Image of beneficiary.

Beneficiaries List

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api is used to get beneficiaries list

Response :
{"status":1,"beneficiary":[{"beneficiaries_id":"beneficiary id","name":"beneficiary name","email":"beneficiary email","iban":"beneficiary iban","bic":"bic","image":"beneficiary image url","account_type":"beneficiary account type","date":"2023-12-05 14:47:03","risklevel":"low"}]}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).

Delete Beneficiary

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","beneficiaries_id":""}'

This api is used delete the beneficiary from beneficiary list

Response :
{"status":1,message:"beneficiary deleted successfully"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
beneficiaries_id String beneficiary id from the beneficiaries list

Send Money to Beneficiary

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","amount":10,"payment_option":"sepa","reason_payment":"salary november month","iban_id":"iban id from which the payment will be sent","beneficiaries_id":"beneficiary id from the list"}'

This api is used to send the money to the beneficiary, an OTP will be sent to your email that will be verified in the iban_confirmotp

Response :
{"status":1,message:"Please check your email. We have sent One-Time Password (OTP) for this transaction.",unique_id: "unique id"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
iban_id String iban id from the iban list.
payment_option String Payment option e.g. Sepa or Sepa Instant.
reason_payment String Payment reference e.g. Salary.
beneficiaries_id String beneficiary id from the beneficiaries list

Confirm OTP to send Money

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","unique_id":"unique_id from the send money api response","otp":"otp send to your email"}'

This api is used to verify that you want to send money to beneficiary

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"On live we have sent you an email with biometric verification link. Please check your inbox and complete the verification to process this outbound transaction."}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
unique_id String unique_id from the responnse of the send money to beneficiary api.
otp String OTP sent to your email.

IBAN Transaction History

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","order":"desc","page":1,"per_page":10,"status":"","startdate":"2023-12-05","enddate":"2023-12-05","search":"Ranjit",'\''iban_id'\'':""}'

This api is used to get the IBAN transaction history. You can optionally search the POS transactions by passing the startdate, enddate, iban_id to get the specific Iban Transactions

Response :
{"is_upload_document":"2","trx_id":"trx id","transaction_id":"0000","beneficiary_name":"ben name",
"reason_payment":"payment ","username":"user name","type":"debit","sign":"db","amount":"10.00","fees":"1.00",
"description":"send 10.00 EUR to beneficiary ","status":"Pending","transaction_date":"2023-12-06 13:16:54","label":"label"}]}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api.
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
iab_id String iban_id from iban_list api.
startdate String start date for searching the pos payment
enddate String end date for searching the pos payment
page String page number for getting the pos payment history


If in the transactions list , in any transaction is_upload_document:1 then you have to upload the transaction document.

IBAN Transaction Details

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","unique_id":"unique id"}'

This api is used to get the IBAN transaction Details of Specific transaction.

Response :
{"status":1,"trx":{"unique_id":"unique id,"transaction_id":"000000","beneficiary_name":"beneficiary name","reason_payment":"payment ","username":"user name","type":"debit","sign":"db","amount":"10.00","fees":"1.00","description":"send 10.00 EUR to beneficiary","status":"Pending","transaction_date":"2023-12-06 13:16:54","label":"label","biometric_approval":"No"}}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
unique_id String unique_id of the transaction.

Upload Transaction Document

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--form 'whitelabel_id="your whitelabel id"' \
--form 'web_token="web_token from the auth response"' \
--form 'user_id="user_id from the auth response"' \
--form 'trx_document=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'trx_id=""'

This api is used to upload the transaction document.

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"Message successfully sent"}




If in the transactions list , in any transaction is_upload_document:1 then you have to upload the transaction document.

Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
trx_id String trx_id of the transaction.
trx_document File trx document for the transaction.

Download Transaction Invoice

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","trx_id":"trx id"}'

This api is used to download the transaction invoice.

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"Message successfully sent"}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
trx_id String trx_id of the transaction.

Download Bank Statement

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Q29kZWdvUGF5Xzg5Om1rZVRWVWNTWTJCWFJZZWZpV1RQdURMaGF6YTFOWWhwUHVvZm1wbjU3VXd6QUJMZGNo' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id",
"web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response",
"iban_id":"iban id","from_date":"2024-01-27","to_date":"2024-11-26"}'

This api is used to download the bank statement. you can optionally download the bank statement of a specfic iban by passing the iban_id, or you can filter with start date and end date.

Response :
{"status":1,"message":"Bank statement has been sent to your registered email."}
{"status":0,"message":"unable to download the bank statement."}


Request Body

Field Type Description
web_token String web_Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
iban_id String iban_id from the iban_list.
startdate File start date to filter the transactions.
enddate File end date to filter the transactions.

Get Crypto Wallets

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api is used to get the crypto wallets

Response :
{	crypto_module: "all_crypto",is_crypto:1,status:1,total_eur_balance: 0,total_usd_balance: 0,
coin:{usdt:{address:"",	block_number: "0",	cmc_rank: "3",	coin_type: "token",crypto_balance: "0.00000000",currency_id: "5",currency_name: "usdt",	currency_symbol	: "usdt",
	decimal_digit: "6",dest_tag: "",eur_balance: "0.00000000",eur_price: "0.89080000",eur_volume_24h: "0.00000000",	expoloer_link: 	"",
	image: "",
	is_memo: "0",is_no_qrcode: "0",official_link: "",title	: "Tether",tokenof: "",usd_balance: "0.00000000",usd_percent_change_24h: "0.04",
	usd_price: "1.12260000",usd_volume_24h: "0.00000000"}}}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).

Get Crypto Latest Transactions

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api is used to get the crypto latest transaction

Response :
{status:1,"trx":[{"type":"Deposit","description":"Transfer 1.000000 usdt from debit wallet to main crypto wallet","coinname":"usdt","coinsymbol":"usdt","convert_symbol":"usdt","created":"17 Jul 2023","color":"success","has_link":"","hash":"","trx_type":"Deposit(receive)","transaction_id":"transaction id","status":"Completed","status_color":"success","amount":"1.000000","fees":"0.000000","total":"1.000000"}]}



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).

Get Crypto Coin Wallet Details

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","coin":"usdt"}'

This api is used to get the details of the crypto coin

Response :



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
coin String coin symbol from the coin list

Get Coin Transactions

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response","coin":"usdt"}'

This api is used to get the crypto coin transaction

Response :
    "status": 1,
    "trx": [
            "type": "Deposit",
            "description": "Transfer 1.000000 usdt from debit wallet to main crypto wallet",
            "coinname": "usdt",
            "coinsymbol": "usdt",
            "convert_symbol": "usdt",
            "created": "12 may 2024",
            "color": "success",
            "has_link": "",
            "hash": "",
            "trx_type": "Deposit(receive)",
            "transaction_id": "transaction id",
            "status": "Completed",
            "status_color": "success",
            "amount": "1.000000",
            "fees": "0.000000",
            "total": "1.000000"



Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).
coin String coin symbol from the coin list

Get Selected Plan

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","web_token":"web_token from the auth response","user_id":"user_id from the auth response"}'

This api is used to get the user selected plan

Response :
{"status":1,"cardList":[{"card_id":"card id","card_number":"card number","expiry_date":"expiry date","card_status":"Active
Card","card_lock":"Unlock","card_image":"card image url","last_30_days":"00.00","available":"00.00","limit_spent":"00.00","todayspent":"00.00"},{"card_id":"card id","card_number":"last four digits of card number","expiry_date":"expiry date",
"card_status":"Active Card","card_lock":"Unlock","card_image":"card image url","last_30_days":"00.00","available":"00.00","limit_spent":"00.00","todayspent":"00.00"}]}


Field Type Description
web_token String Web Token generated from authentication api(Header Request).
apikey String Your API key
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
user_id String user_id generated from authentication api(Header Request).


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","web_token":"web_token from auth response","user_id":"user_id from auth response"}'

You can authenticate through this api by entering the valid credentials . :

Response :

{"status":1,"notifications": [
	"id": "00",
	"title": "Security Alert",
	"description": "Someone sign-in to you account from ().",
	"date": "00-00-0000"


Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
web_token String web_token from auth response
user_id String user_id from auth response.

update live user

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","web_token":"web_token from auth response","user_id":"user_id from auth response"}'

This api is used to verify that the user is live on the app, if not updated after every minute its token will be expired.

Response :


Request Body

Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
web_token String web_token from auth response
user_id String user_id from auth response.

Accept Or Reject Plan

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","requestid":"sent to mail","type":"accept or reject"}'

This api is used to accept or reject the plan via email. request_id is used to accept the plan

Response :
{status:1,message:'Thankyou for your cooperation'}
{status:0,message:'This request has been already approved
This request has been already rejected
Invalid request'}


Request Body

Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
unique_id String unique_id from query param in the app link sent to your email.
type String accept or reject.


This api is used to accept or reject plan , a link with you your app link and unique_id attatched in the query param will be sent to your email . You have to send the unique_id , type that is accept or reject to the api to accept or reject the plan

Forgot password

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data-raw '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel id","email":""}'

This api is used to Reset the password , it includes the OTP verification that will be sent to your registered email



Request Body

Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
email String your registered email
os String Operating system
ip address String User Ip address
browser_name String browser name

Reset Password

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data-raw '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","password":"your new password","code":"OTP sent to your registered email","unique_id":"unique_id from forgetpassword api","user_id":"user_id from forgetpassword api"}'

This api is used to Contact us (CodeGoPay) for any queries

Response :


Request Body

Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
password String your new password
code String OTP sent to your registered email.
unique_id String unique_id from the forgetpassword api response
user_id String user_id from the forgetpassword api response


# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic your client key' \
--data '{"whitelabel_id":"your whitelabel_id","web_token":"web_token from auth response","user_id":"user_id from auth response"}'

This api is used to Contact us (CodeGoPay) for any queries

Response :


Request Body

Field Type Description
whitelabel_id String Your whitelabel id
web_token String web_token from auth response
user_id String user_id from auth response.


Error Message

Error Code Description
400 Bad resuqest
401 Not Authorized
404 Not Found
404 Not Found
500 System Error
201 wrong credential
202 Access disabled by admin
203 Module is not active. Please contact the administrator
0 General Error
1 Succes